On Letting Go

I did something big today. I sat in the same coffee shop that I have sat in for countless hours over the course of the last five years; the same coffee shop below the yoga studio where I pondered yoga philosophy, and studied for my yoga teacher training tests, and built my yoga business website. I sat in the same coffee shop and took it all down. It’s amazing how little time it takes to click delete on something that you spent hours, months, even years, creating. 

I have been slowly letting go of yoga (at least in the way that I used to practice and teach) since covid changed everything many moons ago, but today I really let go. There are a lot of reasons why I have taken off my yoga teacher hat, slowly tiptoed my way out of the yoga studio world, and slipped out of an identity that was so important to me for so many years. But I still haven’t really found the words or the reasons to describe why. More on that later (maybe).

For now, it feels like letting go; like making space for creativity and music; like giving myself room to grow into who I want to be. For now, it feels really fucking good.

Blair Borax